Thursday, December 10, 2009

Prayers for Foxy...

My mother's dog, Foxy, disappeared last night.

We are fearing the worst. The number of small dogs and cats that have gone missing in her area (thanks to bobcats, hawks and coyotes) has dramatically increased in recent weeks.

And Foxy always was the brave one. Even taking on copperheads when given the chance.

So, if you get a chance, please say a little prayer for a good, feisty, pint-sized pup that has brought nothing but joy and happiness to our family.

And if, by some miracle, she is still out there, pray that she finds her way back home to us soon.


Anonymous said...

Oh no!! Poor Foxy--here's hoping she finds her way home very soon.

Denise said...

Oh no! Of course I'll send some good thoughts and prayers that way. I hope she comes home soon! :(

Anonymous said...

Not foxy. I hope all ends well with her returning home.
