Friday, November 11, 2005

Looney Tunes (Volume II)...

A woman walked up to the exhibit bookstore, and began to browse through the selection of Elvis books that were on sale.

I was bored and decided that I would engage the woman in conversation.

"So, are you a big Elvis fan," I inquired?

"Not really," she answered, "I loved Elvis, but I didn't love him THAT much. When he died I wasn't even all that upset. I only cried for six weeks, and almost got a divorce over it."

And with that, she turned and walked away.

Kind of makes me wonder what she is like when she really IS that upset...


Lia said...

You get to meet the most interesting people! Could it be that she was sarcastic, or was there that manic rock fan look in her eye?

gabe said...

I went to the Newseum once, and they had this thing where you plug in your birthdate to see what happened on that day. Mine was... the Jonestown Massacre. And if that weren't enough, I think a couple of planes crashed.