Monday, August 14, 2006

Interesting quote of the moment...

"We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."

- Benjamin Franklin, at the signing of the Declaration of Independence


Amstaff Mom said...

I KNEW I'd heard that somewhere. Then I saw the "credits".

Take THAT ye Red Coats!

Tim Rice said...

There's a lot of truth in that statement for just about any community.

Deals On Wheels said...

I know! I really like that quote. It came off a calendar that I have on my desk (one of those U.S. history "quote of the day" things), and I kept it. It's literately been sitting on my desk now for two months, so I decided if I liked it THAT much, I should share it with everyone. Ta-da!

Katie said...

can i just say that you get *cool points* (ok, they might be nerdy cool points, but they are points given out by the cool nerds) for having an US history quote of the day calendar

Deals On Wheels said...

Ah, you don't know the half of it. I am, like, the supremo dorko de historio or something. I mean, really. I have my MA in the subject AND I work at a history museum! Can I be anymore of a nerd? Yeah, so it probably really isn't all that surprising that I have a US history "Quote of the Day" calendar, after all, huh?!

Sigh. We should start a support group: "Dorks R Us" or "Nerds R We" or something...

Katie said...

support group, I was thinking more of a band of super heroes . . . . we could use all our historical knowledge to save innocent victims of ignorance . . . . and alas at least you have a degree in it, I just love it and soak up random bits of knowledge in it cause I like it, i think i might just give myself an honorary degree in it

Deals On Wheels said...

Oh, oh, oh...can I "give" you your honorary degree? You know, like I'm knighting you or something? That would be, like, SOOOOO cool!!