Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Random animal facts (for no reason at all)...

Did you know:

  • It takes twelve months for a donkey to gestate, but only eleven months for a horse.

  • Cows (like people) gestate in nine months time.

  • You can get a sheep or goat in five months, but have to wait eight months for a baby deer (fawn).

  • You only have to wait 30 days for a litter of kits (rabbits).

  • In October through December, some rabbits go into what is called moulting. At this period, many do not conceive. This is because rabbits are like chickens in the sense that lay eggs only if there is enough light.

  • Yes, I know that bunnies do not lay eggs (except, of course, at Easter)...

  • Rabbits are not rodents. They are lagomorphs. Other lagamorphs include hares and pikas.

  • It can take anywhere between 59 and 72 days to produce a baby guinea pig (cavies). Longer gestation times tend towards smaller litters, whereas shorter times tend towards large litters (this seems backwards to me), and a female goes back into “season” within an hour of giving birth.

  • Some guinea pig sows are actually terrified of their own litter, even if they have partially cleaned the babies. In these cases, the mother will shriek wildly and run away from the babies, who will of course, try to follow her around the cage to be nursed and frighten her more. From what I gather, this is rare, but not THAT rare.

  • A “mule” is the offspring of a Donkey daddy (Jack) and a horse mom (mare).

  • A “hinny” is the offspring of a horse dad (stallion) and donkey mom (Jennet). (Do you think the "hinnies" of the world get upset if people mistakenly call them a mule? Furthermore, is it possible to tell - just by looking at the animal - whether or not it is a "mule" or a "hinny"? Do the "hinnies" get upset if someone implies that their father was an ass? Just curious...)

    Amstaff Mom said...

    I learned so much from this post.

    I'm sorry, but I can't stop laughing. A heinie has an a$$ for a mom!! HE HE HE!

    Melissa said...

    this is a retared blog entry! why do we need to know this. P.S. i had to ask smarter child what gestate meant. why cant you use little words?

    Stop filling my head with useless information

    Katie said...

    so the theme of this post is "gestation"? interesting . . . . there is a hinny down the road from me

    Deals On Wheels said...

    Katie: So, what you are saying is that you have a stick horse AND a hinny? Hmmmm...good to know. Do you ever mock the hinny by saying things like, "Haha...your mom's an ass?" Because I think you should.

    And, yes, the theme of the post is gestation. And, no, there is nothing wrong with that! :P

    Katie said...

    ahahaha, I'll yell that next time I drive by the hinny

    Anonymous said...

    Melissa - if you're concerned about your head being filled w/ useless information, why read it? Seems a little idiotic to blame someone else because you read the page