Sunday, October 17, 2010


Yesterday, Peaches the Pony had to be put down. She was in her early 30s.

I received Peaches for my fifth birthday, and named her after my favorite My Little Pony. At the time, my dad was still actively running cows on the ranch, and Peaches gave me something to do while mom and dad worried over the cattle.

Some of my favorite childhood memories were made on Peaches' back. I remember countless trail rides with my mom and Bessie Sue, and there was nothing better than getting to play cowgirl when my dad and grandfather decided to move the cows from one pasture to another.

Peaches made me a good horseback rider. She was hardheaded and would never miss an opportunity to steer me under low lying branches or take off at a sprint back towards the barn when she thought I wasn't paying attention. She also loved to roll - an activity that was all the more worthwhile if I was still on her back.

One of my greatest challenges as a child was to get Peaches to canter. It was nearly impossible. She would just trot faster and faster and faster. And her trot was a bouncy, gut wrenching mess. It took all of my five year old determination to hold on and continue to nudge her forward with my legs. She sure was a stubborn little thing.

In more than one way, Peaches embodied my childhood, and the ranch just won't be the same without her.

1 comment:

This is my life so far said...

so sorry to hear that :( Thanks for posting.