Sunday, September 02, 2012

Because I don't post enough pictures of my baby...


The following are a few more pictures of Banner in Colorado. Because I would hate for there to have been a single undocumented moment of my child on his first vacation.

Plus, even though the images aren't from any one specific event, hike or story, looking at them just seems to sum up the overall feeling of the trip for me somehow. They all capture simple moments (playtime on the rug, shopping in town, morning coffee on the deck) that Trevor and I spent together with our favorite little man.

In years past, I have cried when we have returned to Dallas because I miss the mountains, long hikes, fresh air and being away from the big city. This year, though, it is different. I still miss those things, but what I miss most is being with my family...uninterrupted. I tried to savor every moment, but somehow I don't think I could ever possibly get enough of just simply being with them.

Of course, I get that in Dallas, too. But the best thing about being on vacation was being able to be with them completely without constantly worrying about what I had to do next. Half the time, I didn't know what day of the week it was, and Trevor didn't receive a single phone call for (nearly) the entire time we were up there. I guess sometimes the best medicine in the world is disconnecting from all the hustle and bustle and taking the time to truly focus on what is really important in life.  On what you spend the rest of the year working so hard for.

It was a truly wonderful couple of weeks.

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