Tuesday, June 27, 2006


You might recall that I used to have a very confused Mockingbird living in the pecan tree in my front yard.

Yeah, well, he's back. So, it's not so much "used to have" as "currently have again".

And he has turned up the volume this time around.

I'm, of course, as thrilled as humanly possible.


The Runt said...

aww...he lonely!

Melissa said...

haha sucks for you. my bird left

Lia said...

Poor Deals. If he stays long enough, you'll stop hearing him. How's that for comfort?

Amstaff Mom said...

At camp, there are a family of birds, scattered across the island to make sure everyone suffers. They are in the whip-poor-whill family, and WOW. That's all I can say. A tent with the windows zipped down doesn't exactly keep the sound out. He starts around 10pm. Nice.

Heather said...

Deals, there is a mockingbird in my neighborhood near Union Station and the thing is on CRACK. Not only does he follow me to the metro each day (and is waiting to walk me home), he goes into song overload whenever I walk by. He switches from call to call every three seconds without taking a breath. I recognize a few of them (because I am a massive bird nerd), but the others ones? Never heard them. Probably side effects from the CRACK.

Anyway, I feel your pain.

Tim Rice said...

I think he loves you. :)

Or maybe he's singing for a meal. ;)

Deals On Wheels said...

I wouldn't mind him so much if he sang his songs, say, during the day!

Not Peaches: I'm so glad that you are still able to relate to me despite the fact that I haven't seen you in two years. TWO YEARS! Have we really been out of grad school that long? Sheesh!

Tim: If he does love me, than it is in that I-am-a-2nd-grade-boy-who-likes-this-girl-but-girls-have-cooties-so-I'll-just-be-mean-to-her-and-drive-her-crazy-so-she'll-never-know-my-true-feelings kind of love. Sigh. Just my luck...

Tim Rice said...

Deals on Wheels, Loved your response. Made me chuckle.

Deals On Wheels said...


Unknown said...

So I was just wondering if you've seen Failure to Launch? I think you might find some eery resemblences between your mockingbird and the one that torments a girl in that movie... :)