Friday, November 02, 2007

Am I the only one who thinks this?

Oliver Twist?!
Does anyone know if Oliver (as in “Twist” from the Charles Dickens novel) grew up to be Chef Boyardee?

As I type this, I know it sounds ridiculous. Why would anyone use a literary figure, like Oliver, to sell canned pastas, microwave food, pizza and meal kits? It’s just that I’ve (apparently) ALWAYS thought that the two were the same until, well, this afternoon and I don’t know why.

Did Oliver even grow up to be a chef? I'm thinking no.


Somehow this is all RR's fault. I just know it.

UPDATE: A coworker just mentioned to me that there once was a commercial for Chef Boyardee that used the character of Oliver Twist and the famous quote, "Please Sir, can I have some more?," to sell either canned soup or spaghetti and meatballs.

Interesting. Perhaps this commercial is the root of my confusion?


RR said...

Uh-huh. When you mentioned at lunch today your mental connection between Oliver Twist and Chef Boyardee, I was surprised, and then I laughed and laughed and laughed. And then I drove home and looked it up on the Internet. Oliver Twist was actually based on Robert Blincoe.

Deals On Wheels said...

Don't suppose Robert Blincoe became a chef before he died of bronchitis in his daughter's house in 1860? You know, in between his stint in the cotton-spinning business and the time he spent in Lancaster Castle maybe? No? Sigh.

Anonymous said...

If you eat the spaghettios I'll tell you if it's true. If not ... well ... I'll think about it.


Deals On Wheels said...

Edge: OMG! OMG! Your profile picture is Mulder! Weeeee!

JLR said...

I'm not going to comment, because I think that no comment is needed.

Anonymous said...

You should know that I am taking FULL credit for the blips on your "where this blog is accessed from" map in Colorado and Oxford and Tennessee and Italy. So there. Shower me with affection.