Friday, May 01, 2009

Oh-Holy Commitment, Batman...

Yesterday was a big day.

Trevor and I bought our first home AND opened our first joint checking account.

Somehow I made it through everything without passing out or throwing up (a big deal considering how commitment phobic I am and all).

Twenty-four hours later, and I my head is still spinning...


Denise said...

Woo! Congratulations! Jim and I haven't merged our finances in any way, and I'm honestly not sure if we ever will. Somehow that seems like a bigger commitment than being engaged! :D

And super congrats on the house! That's very exciting. :)

Anonymous said...

That feeling diminishes after a few days. We merged before we got married. The joke now is, "Are you paying or am I?"

This is my life so far said...

I am so excited for you all and am so happy that you got through it all so far in one piece. Can not wait to see the new house as soon as you all move in :)

Amstaff Mom said...

oh so proud Deals! :) congrats on your new house! (and the checking account)

Lia said...

That IS a big deal. To me, the house is bigger than the joint account, unless you both got rid of your individual accounts. But in any case, major commitment step there. Good for you!