Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Things that make you go hmmmm...

You know those people out there that - no matter how many times they meet you - cannot (to save their lives) remember your name?

Then maybe they figure out your first name, but make no effort at learning your last name?

So, at a large function, when they are standing up at a podium giving a speech, and they want to mention YOUR name they go (in front of 200 people), "and thanks to [your name]...[your name]...[your name]...wait, what's [your name]'s last name"?

Then, let's say you have to go to dinner with this person a couple of weeks later and all they call you by is your last name...?

What's up with that?!

This happened to me. Last night.

No kidding.

People like this really do exist.


Everyone should be afraid. Very afraid. INVASION OF THE BODYSNATCHERS kind of afriad.

Consider yourself warned...!

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