Yesterday, we celebrated my mother's birthday by attending Cavalia. It was fantastic! Anyone thinking about seeing it should definitely make the effort. I loved it!
We all got our matching Cavalia t-shirts, and wore them during the show. This is becoming a tradition. Last year, we took my mother to Medieval Times and we purchased matching sweatshirts to mark the special occasion (YES, I own a Medieval Times Sweatshirt & YES, I wear it all of the time. Stop judging me!).
Anyway, yesterday was a blast, but today is my mother's actual birthday. So, without further ado, please imagine me singing the following (*NOTE for those curious about my singing ability - I'm completely tone deaf, and was a member of a singing group in high school called GROSS NOTES) :
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Grammy Pammy!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Grammy Pammy!
Happy Birthday to you!
~ XOXO ~
~ XOXO ~
UPDATE: Thanks to Katie's post last week, we now know that -
March 27 is . . . National "Joe" Day:
"Do you hate your name? Everyone who hates their name has a right on this day to have everyone they know call them Joe."
*dries tears and jealously begins to form*
I wanted SO BADLY to see Cavalia. I even filled out my little entry form and mailed it to the Dallas Morning News HOPING AGAINST HOPE that I would win one of the free tickets.
I drove by it Friday in my fruitless attempt to meet with the academic advisor at CCCD (blasted traffic).
So glad that y'all enjoyed it though, and Happy B-day wishes to Grammy Pammy!
*wipes tears away again*
I keep seeing that massive white tent tucked amongst the tall office buildings, good to know what it is... it looks awesome!
It was SO good! I'm so glad that I got to go and I'm happy that my mom got to see it for her birthday.
I grew up around horses, so I love horsey-activities. My mother and sister, though, are horse-crazy. They both compete and all, so you can often find them out at the barn several times a week. At one point, my sister could jump her horse higher than she was tall. I've always been very, very impressed by that (even though she barely broke 5 feet). Even at my best, I never jumped much higher than 3 feet.
Today, I'm much more content to watch horses than to actually ride them. I love to groom and pet them, but riding (except for the occasional trail ride on my 23 year old quarter horse who lives at the ranch) is no longer something that I really enjoy all that much. I think I fell off too many times... :P
Thanks for such a special tribute!!
I love you, too. Cavalia was a special treat!! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Love, Grammy Pammy
Thank you, Deals on Wheels!!
Love you!~ Your tribute to me is very special!! Thanks!! Love, MOm
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