Sunday, April 08, 2012

On what was really happening a year ago on Easter...

Last year, on Easter Sunday (April 24th, 2011), I told Trevor that I was pregnant.

I had known for nearly a week, but hadn't mentioned it to him.  This really shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone considering he was also one of the last people to find out when I went into labor.

I'd try to explain myself, but I really don't know why I do it either.  It made sense at the time, though.  Honest.  I am sure Trevor disagrees, but he always finds out these important little details eventually.

Anyway, when I finally got around to telling him, I wanted to do it in some sort of special way.  So I bought him an Easter card and wrote a note inside telling him that he was going to be a father.  Then, I got a golden egg and filled it with chocolates individually wrapped in pink and blue.  Proud of myself, I presented the egg and card to him on Easter Sunday 2011 on the green couch in our living room.


And, well, he thanked me, pushed the card aside without opening it, cracked the golden egg and started eating the chocolates while mindlessly watching TV.

And I just stared at him in disbelief. Because there I was trying to tell him something life changing in a memorable way, and HE DOESN'T OPEN THE BLEEPING CARD.

Minutes went by while Trevor continued to watch whatever on the TV. Finally, he must have felt my eyes boring into his brain, because he slowly turned back in my direction and nervously said, "What?"

Yeah.  Special, Trevor.  Reeeeeeal special.

After lecturing him about the importance of always opening the card FIRST, Trevor finally got around to reading what I wrote in the Easter card and cried.  He was positively giddy about the prospect of becoming a father.

Meanwhile, I was still fuming over the whole card issue.  Blame it on the early pregnancy hormones, but it took me awhile to get over the card thing.

(I may still not be over it a year later.)

So, maybe it DOES make sense why I periodically withhold information from my husband.  I swear, with that boy, things rarely go as planned.

Except, of course, when it comes to this little guy.

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