Saturday, December 15, 2007

On happiness...

Putting some sass back into the Holidays...
I don't have to go back to work until January 2nd of NEXT year!


(and, yes, that IS a picture of me)


Anonymous said...

Look at the cutie! I can't tell if you're super excited about the red tree or in shock about your outfit. Or exasperated with your family.
Perhaps all three?

Deals On Wheels said...

Trevor thinks I'm in a state of exhilaration over "touching my first ball".

Sigh. Boys...

Lia said...

Glad to hear that the job is still alive and well. And jealous that you get two whole weeks off.

Anonymous said...

Correction--you're slightly intoxicated and licking things.

Deals On Wheels said...

Lia: The job thing may still be up in the air. I'm just not there to worry about it.

Melissa: Yes. I've been drinking for decades now. Decades.

JLR said...

Melissa is right! That looks like you licked your finger and stuck it on the ornament, and now we know that behavior goes way back.

Heather said...

It must have been a stress-less time in your life: behold the presence of eyebrows!

Too mean?


Also, you do look drunk.