Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday...

It is that time of the year again.

Lent. Or as my sister calls it, "Lint".

The time of the year where I willingly give up everything good. Mainly, to see if I can do it.

This season, I am giving up the following:

  1. Cheese

  2. Sugary foods and all deserts

  3. Fried food and everything battered, breaded or otherwise dipped in oil

I am still undecided about alcohol. I've given it up in the past, but I really don't drink that much. Just a glass of wine every now and again. It doesn't seem to pose the same challenge that cheese does (note: I really love cheese. Mmmm...).

Anyway, I am also planning on "improving" myself by eating more small meals throughout the day (I have a tendency to forget to eat), drinking more water, and generally being more aware of portion sizes. All this really has nothing to do with dieting. I've done all this before in the past, and - somewhat tragically - I have never lost a pound during the Lenten season. Not that I am opposed to loosing weight, mind you. It just doesn't work that way for me, apparently.

I am already missing cheese...


Anonymous said...

So. . .you're not going with my suggestion on what to give up?

This is my life so far said...

so cheese huh? good luck with that one

Deals On Wheels said...

Melissa: Trevor was so not amused by your suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Not to be cynical, but while not consuming said foods, will you be indulging in scripture, prayer or some other activity? See, that's the point of the Lenten season, what you give up must be replaced by an indulgence in closeness to God in some form or fashion. Otherwise it's self sacrifice for no reason.

Here I am the raving protestant tell people this.

Deals On Wheels said...

Knot: Yeah, we do that, too. I just don't generally blog about that aspect. Last year, Trevor and I did the adult education classes at our church. It was something we committed to doing together.

This year, though, we are trying to go to church on a more regular basis. We got a little out of the habit during the fall/holiday season. So many things to do, so little time. Plus, we had been traveling a lot. Suddenly, it was the beginning of January and we hadn't been since Thanksgiving.

Long story short, we are trying to commit to going at least twice a month (every Sunday just isn't always realistic with our schedule). I'm am also trying to recommit myself to daily prayer/meditation. I used to do it every day, but everything has gotten a little out of whack since the wedding and moving in with Trevor. Funny how living with someone changes nothing and everything. Anyway, things are just now starting to settle down, and get back into a routine. I'm all about baby steps this Lenten Season.

And we are protestant, too. I like to think of myself as a Catholic with choices. ;)