Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Captain Phil...

© Discovery
Captain Phil Harris
© Discovery

One of my favorite shows on the Discovery Channel is The Deadliest Catch. I love everything about it, and have been watching the show since it first premiered five years ago. It is one of the very few reality TV shows I watch (preferring to call it a "documentary"), and I talk about the men on the show like I actually know them. Like we are friends. I know it is silly (stupid even), but I care about the guys and root for them every season. Maybe that is the mark of a good TV show? I dunno, but I doubt I am the only person who feels this way about it.

Since the beginning, my favorite crab boat captain has been Phil Harris on the Cornelia Marie. So, imagine my concern when I heard that he had suffered a massive stroke on January 29th, and my relief when I learned he finally woke up from the medically induced coma last week (reportedly telling the nurses, "Don't f*ck up").

My coworker, who also watches the show, and I discussed how lucky it was that Captain Phil had his stroke while off loading his catch in port. Had he been out at sea when it happened, he would have surely died. Both of us hoped that the news of Captain Phil waking up (and talking!) meant that he was on the road to recovery.

The news of his death this morning, though, was shocking. It is weird. Again, I didn't know him. I don't know his family or any other details about him other than what I've seen on the TV. But I am sad. I am sad for him, for the loss. For his friends and family who are in mourning. For all those who loved him.

I guess I should find comfort in the knowledge that he died doing what he loved. When he suffered a blood clot a couple of seasons ago, it was clear that Captain Phil was unable to change is lifestyle in an effort to get healthy (quit smoking, find a less stressful career, etc.). He was a crab fisherman. If he couldn't do what he loved than I'm not sure life - for him - would have been worth living.

At least, that is what I ascertained from watching him on TV...

Phil Harris (center) with his sons, Jake (left) and Josh (right)

1 comment:

Denise said...

Jim likes to watch that show, too, so I've seen quite a few episodes of it. So sad to see him gone! I'll have to tell Jim tonight when I get home. :(