Friday, June 04, 2010

Hell in a handbasket...

One of my coworkers has the somewhat arduous task of going through all the links sent to her about the museum on Google Alerts, and scrapbooking all the relevant ones for institutional memory.

I say "relevant", because not everything Google sends to her has anything (at all) to do with the museum, our events, etc. Some are just plain random.

But sometimes random is good.

Take the following, for example:

I dedicate this image find to Heather of The Donut for obvious reasons…

I have absolutely no idea why this image from the Beginner’s Bible Coloring Book popped up, but I am probably going straight to H-E-double hockey sticks for finding so freaking hysterical.

Your welcome.

1 comment:

Heather said...

One of the 'coloring hints' is Flesh of Christ. FLESH OF CHRIST. Is that not the creepiest thing that you have ever seen?

OMG, I love this. I love this so much.

"But he probably did!"

Also, they must be moving quite fast, as Jesus's CAPE is fluttering in the breeze.

Oh, and that's not a T-Rex, just in case you were wondering. T-Rex only had two claws on each hand. Stupid cartoonist.

Okay, I'll stop now. But I don't want to.