Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mountain biking in Cedar Hill State Park (or the day I almost died)...

Today, I learned several things:

  1. Mountain biking is not a leisurely bike ride through the trees.

  2. If you don't wipe out or if blood isn't drawn, you probably aren't doing it right.

  3. Mountain bike trails do not run parallel to "opt out trails" or anything remotely resembling "the easy way down". Once on a mountain bike trail you are kind of committed.

  4. After riding for what seems like a huge chunck of eternity, your brother will kindly inform you that you are only 33% done. And this will only be after the group decides collectively to do the shortest route possible.

  5. Some a$$hole decided it would be funny to randomly run the bike trail between tiny gaps between two trees. A one point, you will come around a bend to discover your mother wedged between said trees and oddly suspended in the air.

  6. It is not funny to wipe out in an area named "Poison Ivy Alley".

  7. "The Shoot" should probably be called "The Chute" or possibly "Shiiiiiiiiiiit!". Of course, by the time you have read the sign it is too late to stop, react or do anything other than hold on and hope for the best.

  8. Bridges look nice and easy, but are really death traps that lure you in before attempting to destroy you.

  9. There is nothing quite as discouraging (and painful) as trying to "jump" your front wheel up over some sort of log or other obstacle, and failing.

  10. When the sign says "Helmets Required" they are not making a suggestion.

With that said, pictures:

Getting ready...

The Injuries...





We survived!
(The End)

***NOTE: I managed to neither wipe out nor have blood drawn forcibly from me. I obviously wasn't doing it right. I'm just happy I escaped with my life.


Anonymous said...

What a great weekend shared with my children! When can we do it again?!?!

The Runt said...

As soon as I get a helmet and insurance.