Monday, May 02, 2011

I never said I was a rational thinker...

Last night, Trevor and I waited eagerly for President Obama's big announcement. There was a lot of speculation about what he would say. The broadcast journalists just kept talking about how rare late night, last minute Presidential speeches are. The only thing known for sure was that it was a matter of national security.

During this time of anxious waiting, I started to convince myself that maybe...just maybe...Obama was going to announce that the zombie apocalypse had begun. No kidding. I even asked Trevor if I should fill up the bathtubs with fresh water.

So, it was relief to hear that Osama bin Ladin had finally been caught. For so many reasons.

If I ever have kids, I hope they never have to do a school project on what mommy and daddy were doing when they heard the news that bin Ladin was dead. Because I would be lying if I didn't say that daddy was trying to talk mommy off of mount crazy.

In my defense, I blame that Honda Civic commercial with the zombie. And Rachel over at Singular Girl. Thanks to them, I've had a hard time getting my mind off the undead.


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