Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dear Trevor...

Yes. This is a letter for my husband.

No. We didn't break up. Yes. I am still speaking to him.

He is back in Peru on another mission trip. Last year, he told me that he would have no way of communicating with me while he was down there. So, I updated my blog with several posts about my sans-Trevor diet, which mainly included eating popcorn or cereal for dinner for the better part of a week while watching his doppelganger, Peter Krause, in episode after episode of Parenthood on my DVR.

Yes, I was that kind of weepy newly wed. [Shakes head]

So, basically, he lied about not having internet access while in South America. And then he sicked his mom on me.

Lesson learned, Trevor. Lesson learned.

This year, I was prepared, and even thought about not updating this little piece of the internet for the entire time of his trip. Take that, Tevo! But then he Facebooked me this afternoon, and I decided to throw him a bone:

Dear Trevor,

My eating has been fine, thankyouverymuch! I went out to lunch with Ah-Knee on Saturday after you left, and then saw the movie Bridesmaids. Dinner was a yummy salad from Whole Foods. I briefly considered buying salad fixings at the store and making it at home, but that seemed like a lot of effort with a perfectly good and fully stocked salad bar just down the street.

On Sunday, I had lunch with Rachel and then headed to City Arts with her and the Q (after a brief stop at Bert's house to care for Jack who, for once, didn't bite, scratch or otherwise draw blood from yours truly). Memorial Day was spent having one last meal with Mimi (who was leaving for London today), followed by swimming and dinner out at The Resort at Pamelot.

Yes, I have eaten cereal since you left, but mostly for breakfast. But I haven't had a single kernel of popcorn. Oh, and because I know it will make you sad, I finished the last of the cottage cheese in the fridge.

The dogs, on the other hand, have had kibble for every meal since Saturday. I actually went to PetCo after work today and bought some Greenies to mix it up a bit.

Haskell has stepped up now that he is the "man" of the house, has a full time job where he lounges on his bed for 23.5+ hours a day and is now speaking five languages fluently. Alley is pretty sure that you have abandoned her, and is sucking up to me BIG time. I am not sure that Gypsy has noticed you are missing.

I have steered clear of anything starring Peter Krause, but have cleared almost every single episode of Dateline off the DVR. You can imagine how this has effected my mental state.

I heart you. You better be wearing your hat and sunscreen.

The Wifey

P.S. It is possible that I miss you, but I would never admit it over the internet. ;P

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