Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Because "water bug" still means roach...

Monday afternoon, my coworker, intern and I went to lunch. It had rained earlier that morning, and my coworker opened the employee entrance door to see if we still needed an umbrella to make it to the car. I was standing directly behind her, and my intern behind me.

All of a sudden, what looked like a giant cockroach ran between my coworker’s feet and straight at me. I screamed and jumped out of the way, which lead to my intern to do the same. In the chaos, my coworker somehow got shoved out of the employee door and locked outside.

Meanwhile, my intern and I were inside trying to assess the hostage situation with the giant cockroach. It was a tense thirty seconds that involved several panicked shouts, screams and otherwise hysterical behavior in the darken doorway. All the while my coworker, who was still outside, was pounding on the door because she had dropped her keys, and couldn't get back in to save us.

Somehow, in the time it took calm down enough to demagnetize the exterior door and let my coworker back in, it was discovered that the cockroach wasn't a cockroach at all, but a tiny baby frog. The poor thing was traumatized by the giant humans freaking out all around it, and had gone into "stun mode". Luckily, this made it easier for us to catch it and relocate it back outside in the grass.

Anyway, I am telling you this in the hopes that it might explain why people don't think I am good in a crisis. In my defense, I don't think situations involving cockroaches or even potential cockroaches should count. Same goes for spiders and scorpions.

I'm just saying is all.

The end.

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