Saturday, February 01, 2014

Who is ready for some photo overload?

Y'all.  My kid?  Is a COMPLETE ham.

We had portraits made of Banner the Saturday after his second birthday.  This sitting was actually supposed to happen last year when he turned one, but then The Plague of 2013 hit our household and we had to postpone.  We thought about trying for 18 month pictures instead, but just never got around to it.  And, well, suddenly I had a two year old.

I don't know if Banner was just making up for lost time (and pictures), but he brought his A-Game.  The photographer said two year olds are often difficult subjects, but Banner was nothing but cooperative and smiley.  Banner even overheard the photographer talking about picking a couple of his favorite toys, and ran back and grabbed Mickey, Elmo, Pooh Bear and some of his most loved books.  It was adorable and also made choosing images to print VERY difficult.  Because, OMG.  THE CUTENESS!

We also took advantage of the opportunity to FINALLY get portraits done together as a family.  I have no idea why this took two years to accomplish, but better late than never, right?

(Also, I feel a little like a fraud because my hair is down in the pictures.  That never happens.  Seriously.  It is like I don't recognize myself.)

And, well, Grammy Pammy (a.k.a. "Jeep") was babysitting that night because we were going to a party (hence the blow dried hair and attempt at makeup).  She arrived just in time to get a the world's most adorable picture with her grandson:

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