Tuesday, January 08, 2008


SMOOTH is my middle name...
THE REAL STORY: Trevor crashed at my place on Christmas Eve. The next morning, he sat up and the bed broke (a slat underneath the mattress fell out).

WHAT I TOLD MY DAD: Trevor came over to my place on Christmas morning. When he sat down on the corner of the bed, the bed broke.

Now, I’m not in the habit of lying to my father. It’s just that – to him – I’m still his little girl, and I figured he’d rather not know that my boyfriend stays over at my place on occasion. I’m sure he is under no illusions – Trevor and I have been together for almost six years. It’s just that, well, you know.

Plus, I had GOOD reasons for wanting to tell my dad about the broken bed:

  1. Trevor and I had tried to fix the problem, and had been unsuccessful (another slat fell out during our initial attempt to fix the bed. Just when we fixed that one, down came another one – it was becoming ridiculous). We were obviously doing something wrong.

  2. My dad has a knack for fixing things.

  3. My dad is wicked strong (VERY important considering I have a king size Tempur-Pedic mattress, and it takes a small army to move the thing).

  4. My dad had already requested that Trevor and I help him elevate the head of his bed six inches (in an effort to calm his acid reflux). So having dad help with my bed seemed like a fair trade.

  5. We were all talking about beds at that particular moment on Christmas Day.

Anyway, I had just finished telling my dad the "father-friendly" version of the story, when Trevor pipes up and says, “Yeah, I broke her bed. You know, with all the movement the night before, I can’t say I’m surprised.”


Horrified! I was horrified!

Even worse: the thick silence that followed Trevor’s statement!

Turning bright red with embarrassment, I blurted out, “No! He was just sitting on the bed. Really! We don’t…we never…there was no…I have to go to the bathroom now.”

I then proceeded to SPRINT out of the room.

It was the first time my father has ever been speechless. Seriously. Speechless! For those of you out there who have met my father, you’ll understand why this was such a big deal.

Now that I’m thinking about this, I guess I should have told my dad that I broke MY own d*mn bed Christmas morning. Sadly, that never occurred to me until just a moment ago.


Stupid Trevor...


Anonymous said...

Classic Trevor. What can you say? He tries to be clever....well, we'll just leave it at that. :)

Anonymous said...

Somehow I think Trevor's version is probably much more accurate.


Lia said...

And thus ended breakfast. Never a dull moment.

Heather said...

Trevor looks good in a tux. That should be enough to exonerate him, right? Right?

JLR said...

Oh, Un!comfortable! How very awkward. That's like watching a movie with your dad and a sex scene comes on.

Did you at least get your bed fixed?

Anonymous said...

Actually Edge her version is pretty accurate. I could never pass up a moment to render Buddy speechless, those moments are very rare.

Deals On Wheels said...

OMG! Did Trevor really just admit that this really happened?!?! I'm in shock!

And, yes. I did get my bed fixed.

Tiffany said...

Reading about this made me turn beat red because I can only imagine how I'd feel if Lee said that. HOWEVER... hearing it at the President's dinner with 150 other people was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. that being said - is it weird to laugh hysterically at a train wreck?

Deals On Wheels said...

Tiffany: Yeah. About that. Talk about a roast backfiring! I never thought I'd inadvertently roast myself!

The funny thing is that I told Natalie that the story probably wasn’t appropriate for the President’s Dinner. I still shared it with her because Trevor was SO proud of finally leaving my father speechless. Sigh. I can’t win.

(It was pretty funny, though. Embarrassing as all get out, but still funny.)