Monday, April 07, 2008

Funny what you remember...

They tore it down three days shy of the fourteenth anniversary of my grandfather's death.

Just over three years since my grandmother passed away, and I still lived there as a house sitter.

I knew it was coming.

I still cried when I finally saw it reduced to rubble. So many memories in that house. And now it is gone forever.

On March 30th, my grandmother's closet still smelled like her...

And part of me still expected to see her sitting on her bed through this window...

(I'd always try to sneak up and knock on her window from the yard without her noticing me. She'd always pretend like she didn't see me coming and act surprised. I’d giggle. She’d come out and give me a hug. I miss that.)

Now, nothing but memories remain.

I miss you Memaw...

I miss you Pop-Pop...

Love always,
Your Deeeeeeeeeal


This is my life so far said...

Hey. Is that you in the picture with pop-pop? I understand how hard that is. The house I grew up in was torn down not to long ago and now they are re-building. But, memories are good. And, yes I agree that there is irony in a sigbn for the preservation society next to a house torn down that was older. The times we live in.

Deals On Wheels said...

Yep. That's me. I was still pretty "new" in that picture.

Lia said...

I remember when my parents were talking about moving out of the home I grew up in. The new place would have been nicer, but there was still a piece of me that was saying, Nooooo, don't let them do that! They didn't, in the end, but for reasons totally unsentimental.

Anonymous said...

So sad to see that lovely house reduced to rubble! Perfect picture of your grandmother, though--surely that must have been on a Sunday night with one of those yummy margaritas! Love the picture of you and your doting grandfather.