Tuesday, June 24, 2008

An update on something disturbing...

My ear is almost 100% better.


There is a small bump still inside, but even that is almost gone. Especially after this morning.

What happened this morning, you ask?

Well, I was getting ready for work and absentmindedly touched my ear. Not hard or anything. Just brushed by it with my hand. So, imagine my surprise when I felt some sort of hot liquid pour out of “the bite”.

Alarmed, I rushed into the bathroom, grabbed a Kleenex and started dabbing at the source of the hot liquid in my ear. I was convinced I was going to see blood, pus or some combination thereof when I pulled the Kleenex away and looked at it. But, no. All that was there was some sort of clear liquid draining from last week’s wound.

After it finally stopped oozing, I decided to try and see the source. Of course, it hasn’t gotten any easier to see inside my own ear since last week. So, I had to resort to the same two mirrors and neck craning I described to you before. And what did I see? Two distinct puncture wounds in my ear.

That’s right: I was bitten by something with fangs, people! FANGS! And it bite me while I was asleep (creepy) IN MY EAR (really creepy). And thanks to Google, I am now almost 100% sure it was some sort of spider (extremely creepy).

Yeah, not cool. I’ll be having nightmares for weeks after this.


Denise said...

Ick, ick, ick! Now I'm going to be waiting for a hot liquid to pour out of my own spider bite once it starts to go down. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

It's like Wrath of Khan where the bug crawls in the people's ear and makes them go insane.

But ... the good news is it's healing. All that pus is a good sign your body is fighting it.


RR said...

Creepy. Truly creepy. I don't know how you're going to sleep at night now. I don't know how I'm going to sleep at night.