Wednesday, February 13, 2008

For the tough, strong and extremely bendy...

As part of my attempt to improve myself during the Lenten season, I decided to start doing yoga again. I used to really love going once or twice a week, but stopped when I moved a couple of years ago.

Too my surprise (and delight) my mother wanted to go as well, so I got online and found a place within walking distance of my house that offered special “drop in” rates (I don’t like to commit to anything until I know I like it).

Anyway, we went to the 6:15 class for beginners. It was fun and I think I’ll go back, but…


Seriously. The room was about 900 degrees, and I started to get dizzy. I thought I could push through it – even when I started to see little black dots everywhere. It – literately - wasn’t until all sound started to dissipate from my ears that I thought, “Uh, oh. I’m going to pass out!” I immediately sat down on my mat, and (thank goodness) started to slowly recover. Because I can think of nothing worse than being THAT GIRL that faints during yoga. Especially on my first visit. That would pretty much guarantee I’d never go back. My ego can only take so much.

So, yeah. Guess there is a lot more to that whole “improvement” thing than I originally anticipated (as in “Try Not To Almost Faint Next Time, Jacka$$!”).

Sigh. It’s never simple, is it?


Anonymous said...

I've been going to Sunstone Yoga= also approximately 900 degrees- despite being hot and sweaty I find it makes me feel like Gumby when I manage to do things like balance on one foot while holding my other leg at a 90 degree angle in front of my face.

Lia said...

I tried a yoga pose I saw in the newspaper's health section last night at home. It was really hard to hold it. I guess I knew I was in lousy shape.

Heather said...

Ah, yes... "hotbox yoga." I haven't tried that. I get sweaty enough in normal temperatures. You're hardcore, Deals. Hardcore.

This is my life so far said...

I am glad you are doing ok now. Yoga sounds hard, is there a class for pre-beginners?

Anonymous said...

tut tut tut ... what will Jesus say when he finds out you skipped Lent ...
