Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Pedigree: like Hallmark, but different…

This ad kills me. Absolutely KILLS me. I sob (not "cry" - SOB) each and every time I see it.

And, no. I am not known for being the kind of person that tears up while watching TV commercials. This one just pulls on the right heart strings, I guess.

The good news: I read somewhere that Echo found a good home.

The bad news: There is always an "Echo" at a shelter near you.



Anonymous said...

I've seen that ad a few times and thought of you each and every time.
So, do you buy pedigree?

Anonymous said...

This one didn't bother me. The original heart string one did (i'm a good dog and i just want to go home...)

Deals On Wheels said...

Yeah, that one made me tear up as well. HERE is a link to it if anyone is interested.