Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dang it, dang it, dang it!

I just superglued my shoes back together. At the office. For the second time this year.

My coworker thinks it is time for me to invest in a new pair of shoes. Me, though? I am just upset I got superglue on my gray slacks in the process. I Googled “superglue stains”, and was directed to a website whose "quick fix" for superglue stains on fabric involved lighter fluid. Now, there’s something that doesn’t sound too promising…


Anonymous said...

We can go shoe shopping next weekend. I'll hold your hand and be very patient.

Anonymous said...

what about those cute shoes you bought in Waxahachie???
and, yes dear, there comes a time in one's life when one must buy new shoes...!!! DSW Shoe Warehouse has a lot of options if you're looking for one-stop shopping...just a thought