Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I blog because I can, and for no other reason...

It recently came to my attention that some people do not like that I am chronicling my pregnancy on my blog.

Well, to be fair, only one person has complained that I know of. It was my brother, and technically I am getting his complaint second hand. He actually called my sister last night and told her to tell me that he would stop reading regularly if I didn’t cease with the pregnancy chatter.

My first thought: My brother READS my blog?!

My second thought: My brother reads my blog REGULARLY?

And, well, I didn’t have a third thought because I was so hung up on the first two.

Granted, there have been several posts dedicated to my boobs, and I’m sure those make him feel *ahem* a mite uncomfortable. But it honestly never occurred to me NOT to post about my pregnancy because I always post about what is happening to me, and well…PREGNANT.

(Oh, and by the way, HI WILLIAM!!!)

All this got me thinking about blogs I’ve read over the last six plus years since I started this little corner of the internet. For some reason, a lot of blogs seem to be ended or started because of spawning babies. I can’t tell you how many bloggers out there seem to get hung up with worry over going from a whatever-they-consider-themselves kind of writer to a pregnancy or mommy blogger.

I obviously can’t speak for them, but to blog or not to blog about my pregnancy never even crossed my mind. I have no idea why I started a blog in the first place. There never was defining moment or event that made me think, “You know what? I think I need an online journal.” This is clearly evident by my very first post way, way back in June of 2005. There is no direction there. I think I was only doing it because everyone else I knew had a blog, and I wanted to play with the cool kids.

There are always about a million things I *intend* to post about, and only a small amount of any of it ever actually makes it on here. I used to back post all the time, but now I am so behind with the current stuff it seems silly to worry about whatever I forgot about. As a result, time passes and I just never get around to posting those pictures from whatever vacation or typing up that story that was SO funny that happened last week. AND ALL THIS DRIVES ME CRAZY, because the only point this blog has ever had is to help me remember stories that I would otherwise forget (and even that was accidental).

Which leads me back to being all knocked up. Why wouldn’t I write about it? If I don’t I’ll just forget about all the little things that happened over the course of nine months. Time makes everything blend together, and I think it is fantastic that I will be able to look back in a year or two or ten and remember that my intern during the summer of 2011 told me I was finally beginning to show because my a$$ was getting bigger. Because, you know, why not?

Time gives you perspective. And the ability to laugh at minor personal disasters.

And once The Fetus goes all Alien on me makes its debut into the world, I’m sure I’ll post about that, too. Because it isn’t like I’ve ever raised or parented anything before and I’m sure I’ll need an outlet to vent. Plus, there could be some good stories in there that might be worth remembering. Or maybe just a lot of dirty diapers. Either way, I’m sure I’ll enjoy having the experience documented in some way or another at a later date.

And because I have no idea how to end this post, I am going to just tell you something randomly:

The original name of this blog was SUPPOSED to be Losing The Up-To-Up-To-Side-To-Side Ropes. But, for reasons I still don’t completely comprehend, it wouldn’t publish correctly. So, I scrapped it after much frustration and a whole lot of blinking at the computer screen, and – in a rush – started a second blog under the header Blinky Moments. I’ve wanted to change the title ever since, but that would take effort. And considering that I’ve never gotten around to doing one of those “about me” posts in over six years, things like changing the title or doing anything remotely creative with the blog template would fall under the category: Don’t Hold Your Breath.

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