Thursday, August 04, 2011

In other news...

We found out the gender yesterday, but can't share it with anyone until Saturday. Did I mention before that my mom desperately wants a sex party? Because that's what the delay in information is all about: appeasing Grammy Pammy.

In the meantime, feast yourself on the following tidbits:

  1. The Fetus looks like the alien from the movie ALIEN. If this continues, it may chew its way out of my abdomen and go off in search of Sigourney Weaver before this whole thing is over.

  2. It hates having its picture taken, and did everything in its little seven inch power to squirm away from the sonogram imager. It tried covering its eyes with its hands (which resulted in pokes from the sonogram technician), and wiggling all around my abdomen in an effort to out run or out maneuver the camera. But it could only go in circles because, is essentially living in a fish bowl in my abdomen. The technician could not believe I couldn't feel it since it appeared to be kicking the heck out of my insides. I guess one day (soon) I'll be able to tell the difference between The Fetus kick boxing my kidneys and gas.

  3. My worries that my child would be modest were completely unfounded. Or maybe it was trying to intentionally snub us by mooning the sonogram tech? Either way, both the doctor and the tech were 110% sure (after THAT view) of The Fetus' gender. If you have a guess, please feel free to share it! I'd love to know what everyone thinks!

In other news, Trevor and I leave for Colorado tomorrow. But don't get any wild ideas about robbing us blind or squatting at our place in our absence. My sister and soon-to-be brother in law are house sitting while they make some much needed changes and updates to their new home. And their dogs are fierce. Well, not so much Teddy, but Lola has all three of the Awesome Pawsome terrified of her. She's an angry little thing. Cute, but demanding. Seriously, you don't want to be on her bad side. She bit me once, and now even I give her a wide berth.

Here's to (hopefully) MUCH cooler temperatures, mountains and two glorious weeks of hiking!


Rachel B said...

a) I don't know what kind of sex party you are having but it sounds interesting and I want to be invited!

b) I bought you a birthday card which means I should get credit for thinking in advance even though you aren't getting it until you're back. So happy early and late birthday!

c) Enjoy Colorado and I wish I was escaping the high temperatures with you! Instead I'm taking a long weekend in Kansas where it's just as hot as here. Awesome. :)

Deals On Wheels said...

Rachel: Seriously? Kansas?

Rachel B said...

Don't judge! I have family there. If I had family in Colorado I'd be up there all summer but unfortunately they're all in Kansas, which is just as hot and miserable as Texas at the moment.