Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kids crack me up...

Almost twenty institutions around the metroplex are gearing up for the opening of QUILT MANIA this fall. Despite the fact that the whole thing is slowly driving me crazy, I have been attempting to "test" classroom activities in preparation for my museum's involvement in the project. And by “test” I really mean that I’ve asked several teacher friends to try my lesson plans in the classroom, and see if they are effective teaching tools.

In other words, all I really did was write an activity idea down on paper, pass it out to people I thought might be interested in implementing it and have been waiting patiently to see if anyone would come back to me with feedback. My involvement has been very limited (who am I kidding? Even “very limited” is a stretch), and I have been fully expecting to hear nothing back about the test activities. Teachers are busy, after all, and who has time for outside projects from the local history museum?

Well, apparently, someone DID have time, because I got to see one of my quilt activities realized just last week. And you know what? It's awesome!

Here it is:

The Texas History Quilt in it's entirety

But my FAVORITE part is...

...the way Davy Crockett is suspiciously eyeing Susanna Dickinson.

Kids are great. Now if only I had thought to photograph Stephen F. Austin's "fuzzy" eyeball up close as well...



JLR said...


Ok, that suspicious look kind of made my day.

RR said...

That suspicious look is hilarious. I'm with jlr on this one. :)