Monday, March 03, 2008

It’s official. I’m losing my mind…

I’m a season ticket holder for a local youth orchestra. They only have three or four concerts a year, and I always look forward to going to them. I even purchase tickets in the loge section of the music hall. They are a little more expensive, but since all money goes to support the orchestra, I’m fine with shelling out a little extra dough every year. Plus, Trevor likes the sitting in the loge at the Meyerson because the seats are upstairs in boxes, which (in his mind) is comparable with having “box seats” for a sporting event. Whatever gets the boy excited about going to an orchestra concert, right?

Anyway, the first concert of 2008 was last night (March 2nd), but I didn’t go because – for some reason – I’ve spent the past couple of days utterly convinced it was still February.

In other words: I forgot.

It just doesn’t feel like March somehow, which is ridiculous because logically I know it IS March. I knew it yesterday, I know I did. Yet, for some reason me knowing it was March 2nd and realizing it was (really) March 2nd were two completely different things.

In fact, my (stupid) brain kept thinking it wasn’t March 2nd until NEXT weekend. My brain lied to me, people! Or rather, confused me. Because (again) I knew March started on Saturday. I really did. There was just a disconnect somewhere between what I thought and what I knew (does THAT even make sense?). Grrrrrrr…

Obviously, my brain and I are now in a fight.

So. Mad.



Anonymous said...

I think it's Menopause.


Deals On Wheels said...

That would be my luck...

This is my life so far said...

I totally understand, it just does not feel like March. And, my watch was a day ahead yesterday so I too was confused by this.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of all of this is that your previous blog entry was all about the extra day of February. Which of course leads one of believe that March begins right after that. Maybe.

Deals On Wheels said...

Yes, yes. I knew it was March, but (apparently) thought it was still February. The fact that I posted about LEAP YEAR on Friday only confirms - yet again - that I am (still) an idiot.
