Thursday, January 15, 2009

Please lie to me and tell me you are kidding...

You know the museum renovations are going well when:

  1. ...water starts gushing forth from the ceiling and the contractors have no idea why.

  2. ...said contractors remove a ceiling tile to try and figure out where the water was coming from, but the source remains a mystery.

  3. ...the ceiling tile that was removed in attempt to locate the source of the water promptly goes missing.

  4. ...the museum staff starts hearing loud scratching sounds from the hole .

  5. ...the contractors proclaim the noises to be from “rats the size of small dogs that live in the walls”.

  6. ...all attempts to locate the missing tile turn up nothing and the museum staff is forced to plug the hole in the ceiling with an exhibit text panel (lest they are attacked and killed by large, mutant dog-rats).

Yeah, it has been an interesting week.


RR said...

Oh. My. Gosh. That's horrible ! So glad I'm not having to deal with that.

This is my life so far said...

well that is just plain awful

Anonymous said...

It's amazing we co-exist with rodents and wildlife and never know it. You never hear people from the "save the rodent" foundation and Green Peace seems not to care about rodents.


Grammy Pammy said...

Perhaps we could turn Cliff's snakes loose in the walls...
but, it might be better to catch a mutant dog-rat and put it on display.

The Three of Us said...

You need to bring a helmet and tall boots to work tomorrow, what if they stat falling from the ceiling and you can't get out... Oh Deals.

Lia said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of construction. Here's to hoping that everything works out in the end.

Feel free to vent to me if you want. I do this every day.