Friday, September 02, 2011

I never claimed to be rational (especially when it comes to itching)...

Gran always had this incessant itch at the crown of her head. When the family watched her oral history a few days after she passed away, you could see her reach up and give the spot a good scratch on several occasions.

All of a sudden, and for no good reason, the crown of my head started to itch in the exact area that always afflicted Gran. It began around the same time Trevor and I returned from Colorado (immediately following Gran’s passing), and it comes and goes randomly. I’ve tried changing shampoos, and even washed my hair for a week with Trevor’s bottle of Head and Shoulders Itchy Scalp Care Formula. AND IT DID NO GOOD. The itch is still there!

I am now convinced that my erratically itchy scalp is the result of Gran haunting me. Which is unfortunate because I don’t know what lesson I am supposed to derive from being all itchy and irritated.

NOTE: Yes. Randomly itchy scalp seems to be a side effect of pregnancy based solely on the sheer number of internet support groups I found when I Googled “itchy scalp + pregnancy”. I’m still going with the whole Trevor’s-grandmother-is-haunting-me theory, though. It doesn’t seem right to blame everything on poor Thor.

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