Saturday, September 10, 2011

Preggo brain mandates that I write these things down or forget them forever...

Five things that make me giggle:

  1. My dear aunt Mimi keeps calling The Fetus "TRON" instead of "THOR".

  2. Bronze castings of baby bumps. Other than the fact that I'm not sure I want to remember being the size of a house, what -pray tell - do you DO with a giant, metal distended belly casting for the rest of eternity? Hang it on the wall? Display it on a shelf? Or my favorite: Is it possible to use it as a serving bowl for chips and guacamole? Because if I had one, that's what I'd totally use it for.

  3. Pregnancy ads for quirky products. Not that I have a navel piercing, but I am fascinated by the fact that there is a market out there for flexible belly rings. It must be because I am in my early thirties. I know, I know: Old.

  4. Peas. What a random thing to crave. I had them at least twice last week. They are fantastic.

  5. The fact that they are frying bubble gum at the State Fair this year. After the butter and beer of the past couple of years, I thought nothing would surprise me. Well played, State Fair of Texas. Well played. Definitely didn't see that one coming. I know it is technically a bubblegum flavored marshmallow, but you are going to cover it in chiclets. Is that even edible?

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